Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God works in Mysterious WAYS!!! (925 642 6187 for volunteering.)

Was at a business luncheon yesterday and who should sit beside me but Ruth Goodin, Senior Foundation Director for LMC (Los Medanos College).  I mentioned that I had taken a short course in grant writing and a few classes at the Foundation Center because I hoped to use these new skills for the Salvation Army-Delta Corps.   

Ms. Goodin mentioned that she had just written for and received a 3.2 million dollar grant for LMC!!! Wow!!!  So of course the obvious next question was "will you please mentor me" in my attempts at grant writing, her response "YES"!!!!!!!!!!  I am soooo excited about this development!!!
So boys and girls everywhere, let's keep the good work going. Please volunteer for our local Salvation Army, we have a dedicated phone number for your questions and scheduling!!  NUMBER IS (925) 642 6187.

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